Breast Surgery

Areola Reduction Surgery

Areola reduction is a surgical procedure that aims to decrease the size of the areola, the pigmented area surrounding the nipple. This procedure is often chosen for aesthetic reasons, when the areola appears too large in relation to the size of the breast or the rest of the body.

Why consider this surgery?

The main reasons that lead women to opt for areola reduction are:

  • Aesthetic reasons: An overly large areola can create a visual imbalance and affect self-confidence.
  • Asymmetry: The two areolas may be of different sizes, which can be a source of complex.
  • Following a breast augmentation: After a breast augmentation, the areola may appear disproportionate to the new volume of the breast.

How is the procedure performed?

The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia and lasts between 30 minutes and 2 hours. The surgeon removes a piece of skin from the areola and sutures the edges to obtain the desired size. The incision is hidden at the border of the pigmented part and the adjacent skin.


The recovery period is generally short. Swelling and moderate pain may appear in the days following the operation but are relieved by medication. It is important to wear a sports bra for a few weeks to promote healing.


The results of areola reduction are long-lasting and provide a more harmonious and symmetrical appearance. The scars are located at the edge of the areola and become less visible over time.

Before embarking on this procedure, it is essential to consult a plastic surgeon. They can assess your situation, answer your questions, and explain the risks and benefits of the procedure.